Sunday, October 23, 2011

Did you know that I'm a geek?

It's true, I am.

I've been coding my own website. I coulda done something, I dunno, easy, such as gett'n a wordpress or something like that.

But I didn't wanna.

So, today I mastered CSS stylesheets. This is a real basic affair - it's gonna be really simple HTML, maybe a little javascript, maybe. I just can't hop on the bandwagon with this wordpress stuff. I prefer clean and simple, plus I don't need a giant website that takes forever to load. A website for me is going to be a cross between a brochure and a place where I can link all my social media together.

Right now, I'm going for functionality. I know it looks a little basic, which is, again, the intent, but I have a few ideas for decoratin' once it's formatted the way I want. Plus, I think Bets is still working on some things as far as design - she got the visual arts genes in the family, true story.

In all honesty, this is REALLY fun! I can just sit here and code for hours and all of a sudden it's 9:15 PM and I didn't eat any dinner. I love it.

Here, have a gander... I'll be updating this link as I go. (I should mention this is obviously hosted on my comcast space... I WILL purchase real webspace as soon as I figure out what my URL should probably be... I can't decide between emkeevmusic, emkeev, emmckeever, etc.)

My objective was to have this finished by the end of October, and I could have a rough rough sketch of it done by then, BUT. I need to brush up on my Halloween stories for Friday at Lums Pond, practice, all that good stuff - I'm essentially planning on not having personal time between now and October 31, when I will curl up in a ball in my room. Not because it's Halloween. Because I will be tired from pulling off the Hoot again. Oh, anyway. Just go look at the website already and give me some critiques, yo.

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