Thursday, March 1, 2012


I received a text from a friend this morning. This is how the conversation went:

Friend: MORNIN' 8:42 AM
Me: I BEAT FAWM :D 9:10 AM
Friend: Now we rehab you so you can enter society again! 9:11 AM

(Is it that obvious!?)

Wordle: FAWM_2012

This is a word cloud compiled from all the lyrics I wrote or helped write this month. (Pretty cool!)

So, yep. All the songs done been written. I was surprised by my output. Someone posted on my wall telling me I had the most songs of anyone in the Philly area. (I didn't know anyone was keeping track!) This is pretty cool. But only 14 are purely "mine." I don't know. I'm flattered, but I'm also being humble about it. I wasn't competing, I was just trying to write and let God do things by my writing. And I'm really, really pleased.


1. Kaleidescope Heart
2. The Stinkbug Song
3. Keep in Mind
4. I Like Trees
5. Amaranth
6. The Underground Spring
7. Vultures
8. Murre Song
9. Come June / Swallowtail
10. Your Star
11. Sea Song

12. Game Over
13. Earth and Sky

14. Waltz for a Clementine

Playing nicely with others:

with Matthew Halley:
15. Let There Be Snow
16. Finding My Feet (also with Erin Magnin)

with Erin, Shane, Andrew, Michael:
17. White Kids

with Shane:
18. Flowers Gotta Grow
00. *Viva (and Stefan) (*I did not accept credit on FAWM due to limitations on listing 2+ collaborators)

with Michael:
19. Damsel of Distress

with Stefan:
20. The Errant Whistler (and... Shane. Kind of. Accidentally. Darnit Shane.)

with The Other Otter - Bryan, Josh, and Angela:
21. The Downtown
22. A Song About Physics
(and maybe a couple other tunes that I've contributed to but they're not done with 'em yet)

Now, that's a nice sight to see:

WOO now I can sleep and do laundry again! ...

Oh wait, we've got some showcases around the bend yet. :3 STAY TUNED!!

1 comment:

  1. Emmic, This is so impressive. Excellent job!

    And you can darnit at me all ya want, but i gave you the inspiration for the title! :)

