Friday, February 11, 2011

FAWM post #6: Halfway done

-- SONGS --

I just uploaded my seventh song of FAWM 2011, "Small Town Places." Click this link for lyrics 'n all.

Still got lots of ideas, plus a weekend full of collaboration coming up. I hope to overshoot the 14-song mark, let the drive that is FAWM just carry me past it so I can write more songs! We'll see.


Carla Lucas wrote a great article about FAWM. (And a lot of it is about me, for some reason.) You can view it at the Chester County Press website!

Also, keep your eye on the News Journal/Delaware Online...

-- OTHER --

I quit the choir I was in. I feel badly. I was so excited and then I just crapped out on everyone... I kept looking at the rehearsal schedule and thinking, "well, I'll just reschedule this, and that, and the other thing I normally do..." 'till it got to be too many things and I realized I was overbooked again.

I'm doing a lot of performing this weekend. Hopefully I'll even get to sleep a little, too. Life is a little crazy between work, FAWM, housesitting on and off, plus other random stuff that pops up as a normal matter of course. It's a mad dash to the end of February.

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