Friday, December 17, 2010

Choir director? Who, me?

I love my choir. It's great to bring people together to sing. But choir directorship is not something I ever would have imagined for myself.

From what I can recall, I hated my voice when I was a kid. The way it sounded was just really repulsive to me. I knew that I could carry a tune, but I believed that the quality of my voice was so terrible that I should do everyone a favor and just shut up.

So when I got to college, I wanted a music degree. Fine, they said. You'll have to join a large ensemble. And guess what? There's no large ensemble for classical guitar, so... you'll be in Women's Glee, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from noon to one.

Apparently, nobody had informed them of the horror that was my vocal quality. So I just bit my tongue, accepted my fate, and figured on lip syncing my way through four years of college.

Turns out you sing a lot, if you're a music student. Even outside of Women's Glee, there were ear training classes where you had to sing different musical intervals, eventually building up to sight-singing in solfege. (You know... Do, Re, Mi...)

Here's what I discovered:

  1. Choir directors can be really nice, encouraging people (who sometimes devote Wednesdays to the color purple)
  2. People did not wince from what I envisioned was my harsh, grating tone
  3. You will be very popular in a choir if you have a good ear
  4. Singing is a fun, unifying experience that is just plain good for the soul

It made me a little mad that I had been cheated out of such a great thing for so long. It made me mad that some people try to make singing something so lofty and inaccessible, try to tell others they can't sing when they clearly can. We're not all going to be on Broadway, but we can carry a tune and we don't sound half bad doing it, thankyouverymuch.

Enter my six years of directing small community choirs. Starting with my dorm and lately including the church choir. It's always been a mix -- some seasoned choir veterans, some people wanting to try for the first time. I've never auditioned anyone. I depend completely upon the goodwill and kindness of my singers to forgive each others' mistakes and help each other to create a beautiful performance.

So I'm really excited that we're coming up on a performance again for Christmas this year. They sound great, but their hearts are even better.

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