Saturday, February 11, 2012

FAWM Blog #4: I'm up to 8!

You can find my up-to-date FAWM page here:

So, basically I'm an overachiever. Not only does this song have multiple instruments and harmony tracks, but I took photos of the trees I was describing and made a video out of it:

I'm basically really happy with that one. It's called "I Like Trees," in case you couldn't guess.

I also wrote and recorded "Amaranth" (mp3) in 3 hours today. I wish I could tell you about it, but I think that's for another day. I think that the inspiration for it isn't yet done with me and I'll see another few songs sprouting from the same seed, at which time I'll happily update you.

I enjoy putting on different styles. It's like putting on different costumes. I'm blessed to have the ability to express things this way. My only prayer regarding the whole songwriting business is that I can return even a fraction of this blessing through the thoughtful crafting of songs that reflect His goodness and His truth. And, I mean... I want it for every song. Not just certain ones. I crave it. I feel hungry or thirsty without it. 'Cause that's what makes my songs live and it's what makes me live.

Michael and I also did some collabing today, and the song is pretty much done, but we didn't quite get to recording anything other than a scratch track >.< Look for it tomorrow!

A break is in order so that I can tend to things, such as some contra dance stuff and some business matters with the music... again, more on that another time!

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