Sunday, July 24, 2011


Well, I did it. Four songs in a row. What's called a "feast" in 50/90 or FAWM terminology. A feast is anytime you write multiple songs in the same sitting.

A couple songs, I couldn't tell you what they're about even if I tried. ("Unfamiliar Places" and "Bound Away") But the last two are about an abandoned bandana that I found while wandering the streets of Newark, and the Emerald Ash Borer, which is very much a threat to our ash trees.

All these ideas are related in that they've been kicking around my head for a little while, so I made a stab at focusing on completing a bunch at once. It was a good experiment and I'm pleased, but the problematic bit is the bit where I sit around on the computer and wait for comments. I need something to eject me from the internet.

Anyway, I've been going back and forth with various commitments. Time is precious and I haven't sat down and focused on an album, but I can sit down and spend all day writing songs. Also I still haven't got a website or anything fancy like that. I can blame it on the tighter work schedule I've got, but I know that's not all of it. You do what you want to do, ultimately, and I guess I just don't know what I want with music right now. Part of my problem is that I haven't lifted up most of it in prayer. If it's not time for an album, if that's just an idea I've got in my head that shouldn't happen right now, I'm fine with that. But have I even asked? No.

So there you go.

The fever pitch of my day job will go down drastically in three weeks when our camps end. I'm planning some stuff, including A) an appointment so I can get a really cute haircut ^^, B) vacation days for later August. I'm really looking forward to it.


  1. I love the guitar on "unfamiliar places" and I'm glad you chose the default lalas for "bound away" ^_^ love songs to bananas are always keepers I definitely like "abandoned banana" the most (: "emerald ash borer song" is very nice as well I love the banjo and uses for ashwood nomnom ^.^
