Wednesday, February 2, 2011

FAWM post #3: +1 and I'm in a choir now?

Lemme see if this'll work.

Here's my latest and greatest, hot off the presses. It's called "A Rather Politely Phrased Request From A Fellow Citizen and Motorist," which I understand is a very long title, and I'll probably never actually call it that. But now that I've said that, I probably will.

This is the great thing about FAWM. Everything becomes inspiration. EVERYTHING. The madness of having to write 14 songs in 28 days opens your mind to all kinds of possibilites. Like the phrase "renegade haywagon." Y'never know. I don't think it'll become a song, but man, I liked that phrase so much when it first came out of my mouth today.

I also got some lyrics from a fellow FAWMer, Jocelyn, who wrote some awesome and very fitting lyrics that I'm hoping to musicalize before I get much hoarser. Yes, I am losing my voice just in time for FAWM. It'll be interesting to see how I deal with this hurdle.

I forgot to mention that I went in for a hearing to be in Schola Cantorum yesterday. It was awesome. Mostly it was a simple test to make sure I had all the skills I'd said I had. Which I do. I totally beasted up the sightreading... I mean, it was just not a complicated piece, but there was this weird part of my brain that really really loved working out the visual mathematics and translating them to audible pitches. It's the engineer in me. Most of my blood relatives tend toward either arts or engineering.

El fin, time for bed - tomorrow's an early day and a late night. Hopefully I can get at least a few hours of sleep this month. ^^

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