Wednesday, February 2, 2011

FAWM post #2 - Day 1, two songs done


February started with a bang this year. The snow's still lying all around, making street parking impossible, and today it rained. Tomorrow it'll rain. Other places in the US are receiving massive amounts of snow, but here in Delaware it'll probably just rain and I'll go to work tomorrow.

Today, no work. I wrote two songs for FAWM. The first, "The Invitation," I felt compelled to dedicate to God... later realizing that it used to be common fashion to dedicate the first of things to God, such as the harvest. Hmm. Wrote it with the banjo, which was a ton of fun. What a fun instrument. Me and the banjo get along pretty good.

The second song, "The Migration," is actually based off a short idea that was based off another short idea. A short, maybe 4-bar idea - the guitar part came years ago, the lyrics months ago. I count it for FAWM if it's only a very short idea. I would have a hard time counting a song that I'd already written at least 50%.

I was also writing another song - it just didn't turn out tonight. Sometimes songs just flow, and sometimes they just don't. I think it'll come another time, but it was hard accepting that now was not the right time for that song.

Must remember to take time to feel good about what I'm doing - writing 2 songs in one day is a pretty good thing, but right now all I feel's tired.


  1. they are both so gooood I'm hungry

  2. @Michael - thanks, man! Sorry you were hungry.

    If we get a moment Saturday, maybe you can show me the basics of this thing that's called multi-tracking... I'd like to throw some bass and whatever on them FAWM recordin's...
